
Showing posts from October, 2018

Data Visualization

Letters Dear Sacha Mallor, Your art piece has generated a lot of feelings in me. But there is a certain mystery about your art piece, something I am not able to decipher. It's very beautiful yet there is something inherently sad about it.  The true meaning of the art is not clear to me, but it has generated a reaction. Dear colors, You are an explosion. Colors burst from you like lightening in a storm. You remind me of evenings spent watching the sky before a storm- how everything changed from pink to yellow to grey- how the air was saturated with moisture and spark. You are chaos and structure, softness and tight. You reflect as a storm that we feel within ourselves- harsh, vibrant emotion camouflaged behind fog. Reaching out. Thank you for showing your power. Dear art, You look well protected on the outside built with many layers. Very strong and a protector of all.  But on the inside you may not be the same.  You look fragile and tender just like us all. My ...

Sun Salutations ~ Web Quest

The practice of Sun Salutation awakens the body intelligence to create energy directly from the sun. In the Vedic tradition, the sun is symbolic of consciousness and, therefore, has been worshiped daily in the Indian culture. Sun Salutation may also be referred to as  Surya Namaskara  in Sanskrit. Every morning at dawn, the air is filled with  prana shakti , or life energy. When performed facing east during the first rays of the morning sun, breathing correctly and chanting the mantras, one experiences a phenomenal effect on the mind, body and spirit. Sun Salutation A consists of the following poses: Mountain Pose ( Samasthiti  or  Tadasana ) Upward Salute ( Urdhva Hastasana ) Standing Forward Fold ( Uttanasana ) Half Standing Forward Fold ( Ardha Uttanasana ) Plank Pose ( Chaturanga Dandasana ) Upward-facing Dog Pose ( Urdhva Mukha Svanasana ) Downward-facing Dog Pose ( Adho Mukha Svanasana ) Trans...